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Embed Questions Filter

About the Plugin

This filter allows questions from the question bank to be embedded anywhere that users can input HTML. This can be used in various ways. It can be a way to make learning materials more interactive. For example you may wish to embed an interactive question in a Book, or a Page, or even a Label. Or perhaps a student asks in a forum about some tricky grammar concept, and you have a question that illustrates your reply, well now you can include that question in your reply, so the student can immediately test their understanding.

It is designed to be used with the associated Atto editor plugin which makes it easier to set up the embedding.

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Plugin Available For
Moodle 3.9
Moodle 3.11
Totara 12.0

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Warnings and Cautions

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Questions can only be embedded if they have an idnumber set, and where the category the question is in has an idnumber. This is for two reasons: first, to make it harder to accidentally embed questions from your end-of-course exam; and second, because this is how the filter uniquely identifies the question to show.