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Boost Office 365 Teams Theme

About the Plugin

This theme is used with the Microsoft 365 Teams Integration to display the LMS seamlessly within a Teams environment. The purpose of the Teams theme is to display a custom view of the LMS course home page within Teams. The Office 365 LMS plugin dynamically enables this theme only when users access their LMS courses within Teams, while keeping the selected LMS theme when users access their LMS sites on the web browser.

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Plugin Available For
Moodle 3.9
Moodle 3.11
Totara 12.0

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LMS sites using Teams feature of Microsoft 365 integration should have this theme installed, but should NOT set this theme as the site default theme. When a course page is opened in Microsoft Teams, this theme will be automatically applied within Teams only for the session. The theme aims at giving users a unified experience in Microsoft Teams.