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Advanced Notifications

About the Plugin

This block allows users to display DEFCON-like alerts, which are Bootstrap-based, allowing for various configurations.

This could be useful in cases such as alerting users of scheduled outages, welcoming them to your site, teachers can use it to notify users of changes/due dates, etc.

Learn more about installing plugins with the Add-on Manager training.


Plugin Available For
Moodle 3.9
Moodle 3.11
Totara 12.0

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Warnings and Cautions

Important information about this plugin that you need to know before you install.

Tips and Tricks

Advice from our experts on features and functions included in this plugin.

All the plugin's settings are disabled by default. Enable it upon installation if you wish to start using it immediately or enable it later by navigating to Site Administration > Plugins > Blocks > Advanced Notifications.