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Creating Lists

iMail lists can be created or edited on the "Edit Lists" tab. For this example I have logged in as a student user of a course and accessed the iMail Inbox via the block in the course.

To create or edit a list:
  1. Select the "Edit Lists" tab.
  2. Select "New List" from the menu of choices. Existing list can be edited by selecting them from the menu of choices as well.
  3. Enter the name of the new list and select Create.
iMail edit lists screen

Once the new list is created users can be added to it.
  1. The new list is shown in the drop down menu of the image below. The list can be deleted by selecting the Delete button.
  2. The list can be renamed.
  3. Users from the class can be added to the list.
Creating an iMail list

Once a list is created by a user, the user can send iMail to users in the list by selecting the list from the contacts screen:
  1. Select the "Show Lists" link. In the image it shows "Hide Lists" because the "Show Lists" link has already been selected.
  2. The list this user created is shown at the bottom of the users list on page 1.
Groups in the Contacts pop-up window